Monday, June 22, 2009

Time-Out Box

So this week(end) was f’ing interesting on so so so many levels. Everything from locking myself out of my apartment (twice), to Brian being so drunk, he decided to “take a little nap” on the streets of Georgetown at 2am on Saturday, to me putting Mr. Henry, P.A.T.T. and Tony in the “time-out” box, here’s the summary of my 5 vodka filled days (6 if you count tonight):

10. If I owned stock in vodka, any brand, even Popov, I’d be rich, albeit, I’d drink most of my shares...

9. Hung out with Brian Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and last-night. Spent the night Saturday night...

8. Tony text me Friday & Saturday wanting to “see” me. We had so many random conversations about “us” and seeing each other. I don’t want to “see” him like that

7. P.A.T.T. is the first to enter the ‘time-out” box this weekend. Saturday at 1pm, I realized I locked myself out of my apartment. I call/text and send flare messages, just short of calling the National Guard, to get my extra set of keys from her. Long story short, the biatch (yes, that’s not Diva like) never came through. Sunday morning, I flushed $139.00 down the toilet, just so the locksmith could get me in my place.

6. Brian had his going away BBQ Saturday. Hung there, then he & I hit the streets of Georgetown later. We go to our trusty faithful, and he either got roofied or can’t hold his liquor (that was a first). He decided to pee outside, on M Street (the main walkway), lay down on the concrete, and throw-up outside of his apartment building...(the night didn’t end there, tell you about it later)

5. Friday is a blur. I had so much fun, I sobered up towards the end of the night, when this guy “insisted” on taking me home. Being the quick, clever, ultimate smart chick that I am. I tricked him. I sent him back in the club to get me some water. As soon as he was out of eyesight, I hailed a cab and took my ass home...

4. Guess, dude didn’t have “hard” feelings. The next day he called me and said that was hilarious. He came back out with the water, and said I “disappeared".

3. I forgot to mention on Thursday night, Brian was flirting with me too, when I was sandwiched in-between he and his roommate in the cab. I told them, and I quote “I’m not fucking you guys”. Roomy was “offended” and said that, no one even mentioned sex...but you were thinking it, dude. His Roomy ended up leaving Friday & not staying for Brian’s going away party....that was lame...

2. Mr. Henry was the second to enter the “time-out” box. I was telling him about me being locked out of my place & the whole P.A.T.T. situation. He asked me where I slept, and I told him on Brian’s couch. He said, “you didn’t sleep on the damn couch”. I told him I had no reason to lie. Had I not said anything he would have never known...

1. Last night after Brian and I chilled. I dropped him off. 2:30am locked myself out my apartment again! I called him and he saved the day. I need some Ginkgo Biloba, stat


Unknown said...

im glad you didnt take that ride w that dude, he was up to no good...

you 5 days sound like how my nights hanging out used to be

Im tryin to be good..and Im with you on the stock in vodka

Tunde said...

5 days of liquor intake like that and i would be drained. i have to have a least a day rest between. i think i could do three days in a row. like i did this past weekend (and i'm paying for it now). looks like you had fun though besides the people you had put on time-out.


@ True, matter how convincing he tried to sound, I sobered up "real" quick...

Tunde - I rested Wednesday, LOL... last night we had Hookah & drinks, so it was more chill than the other nights...

Chaotically Calm said...

Way to dodge the date rape dude...I like how sober you got for just enough time to plan a speedy get away.

Anonymous said...

so i gotta check on you after hearing about these trains in d.c.


@ Must Love Movies - Thanks for checking on me. I'm cool. I was at home when it happened

@ Chao - I am generally sober & coherent enough to take a cab & always say no to dudes trying to "take me home"

Anonymous said...

wow this doesn't sound good. lol you sure you okay? anyways, you are supposed to keep a spare set in your purse or some secret place.

you didn't sleep on the couch. lol well hell ya'll did sleep together naked before right? i think if you got some you'd be sharing by now and a lot of these guys would be out the door.

p.s. i just read this.