Friday, July 23, 2010

No Words

Sigh. The last few days have been a bit emotionally draining. Klein’s mother passed away this week. I knew it was coming, but not like this. I’m trying to be there for him as much as possible. That’s all I can really say right now.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Girl In Hawaii

So I just made it back from vacation this week, and I’m proud to announce I was a good girl. In fact too good.

Klein & I are still together... I actually kinda missed him while I was gone

POW came to D.C, 4th of July weekend and all we did was drink & party, and party & drink, to commemorate her dirty thirty, with an added mini bonus trip to NY. One night we hung with Mr. Henry & his friend at a lounge, after trying some other spots. POW is under the delusion that me & H are made for each other. Although we talk everyday and still do favors for each other (not that kind) he never stepped his game up.

Side Note: I have yet to tell Klein or Mr. Henry about each other. Is that wrong??? (I’m saving the male ego, they can both be quite jealous....and in my defense, Mr. Henry and I haven’t played “horizontal polo” since December, and I never intend to let him get near my muffin box....ever). End Side Note

Maybe I’m playing with fire...what can I say, I used to enjoy lighting matches as a child...

In other news I’m going to Jamaica next month...I’m trying to slowly break it to Klein, that I will be in my favorite place on earth, celebrating yet another thirty club card member, but I gotta let him recover from me spending 7-days in Honolulu first...

Speaking of Jamaica, I got a random call today from someone there...hmmmmm.