Friday, June 26, 2009

I Have That Affect On Even Myself...

Ummm, so much, so little time. Let's see. Well I'm going to New York with a guy friend today at 2pm. (Did your jaw, just drop?) His name is...."Devin". Yes, I know, first time you heard his name. I like to shock and amaze, what can I say. Last night he asked me what I was doing. I told him I was hanging with Brian.

Devin: Then what are you doing tomorrow?

Me: Ummm, nothing. We should hang.

Devin: Let's go to New York

Me: Sure

Devin: Ok, let's do it.

After we make our plans, I get ready for a night out on the town with Brian...and well, it was a night. Not a party fun time like we usually have, but we cleared the air a little with our profound conversation, while sipping on a cool refreshing drink, surrounded by uptight people. A few times I tried to tell him how I felt....but it came out like this _____________________.

I had no problem telling him, he was an asshole, and telling him how he tried to feel me up while this French chick was in the cab with us last week, whom he was banging. You know what he did...shrugged. I told him I thought he was an asshole and that's not the first time he's tried to feel me up. His response:

"I know I am an asshole, and I'm working on that, but I'm a good guy, and have a good character, so people don't stay mad at me for being an asshole" (end quote)


Nelia said...

End quote. End crush.


Neila, Yup, I feel ya

In Retrospect, re PATT

Brian said something profound last night- “It takes just as much energy to ignore her” - in regards to PATT. So maybe I do have a bit of a grude. Like I say I’m over it, but truth be told I’m still mad. I’ve stated my reasons before. I won’t restate them, but her “friend” called me this morning to see if I talked to her cause they got into a fight. In light of recent events (death has you contemplating life) It’s not healthy, smart, or lady-like to hold a grudge, and the only way I can move on and truly be over the situation is to address it head on. I’m a bit stubborn & refuse to call her, but I will send her (PATT) an e-mail....for my own piece of mind.

Unknown said...

*picks jaw up off the floor*

no love lost for brian from me

I think thats cause Im an asshole too lol

Anonymous said...

We have to find you a new drink. How bout Nuvo. Its sparkling Vodka LOL. PATT is to you what the rapper chick is to me. They weren't raised the same way we were and we expect people to react like we do. I do feel like it took way too much energy to ignore her, so I got over it. I just know now not to hold the same stock in our relationship.

P.S. Have fun in New York. I'm going to Dallas today with the Rapper chick. She's got an interview for 4 the love of Ray J. Isn't that histerical


Cheekie said...

Girl, you need to fill in that blank! lol

Anyhow, I hope you have fun in NY with Devin. Souns exciting.

And of course it's easier to call him an a-hole than to pour out your heart to, usually the name-calling is code for your heart. The banter...usually there's underlying messages. ;)

mr. nichols said...

yeah this brian character sounds like one of those "thirsty" guys you talk about.


@ True - what part did the jaw drop on LOL

@ POW Have fun in ya later

@ Cheekie - so true...didn't have enough liquid courage in me, lol

@ Mr. Nicholas - I beg to differ on that one... tell you why later, runnin late :(

K_B_B said...

Tell him. Fill in the blank. Do it now. Why can't you tell him. I bet you could tell Devin how you feel and you have known him a whole minute.

Anonymous said...

have fun in new york.
idk diva i think you need to let p.a.t.t slide on this one. you never know what was going on. i know you said she could have called and checked on you but something could have been going on in her life too. i mean maybe she couldn't put you before her that time around. at least hear her excuse before you have a grudge

okay enough gonna stuff trying make you play nice. haha

Gina Stepp said...

How funny. "I know I'm a jerk but I'm a jerk with character"? What the?

Chaotically Calm said...

Damn it Diva take a big girl pill and spill it to Brian....and this P.A.T.T well I think she was hell to the no wrong but staying angry only adds to your stress. Life is too long and too short to hold grudges but you should def give her an ear full.

Oh and I want some details about this Devin character...


I'm going to forgoe the drunk blogging tonight... welcome G. Stepp

MK said...

I have lurker status with one comment under my belt :) So here it goes, while I am a stubborn chick, I say tell PATT how you feel and then let the grudge go. Brian... I do think you should say anything (is that booing I hear?) He is a known and self-admitted a-hole, so for some reason I see him doing/saying something jerky once you reveal your crush. Bottom line: what is gained? and what are your expectations behind telling him. Beside that have fun in New York Ms.Mysteriosa (re:Devin)

Leilani said...

good luck with that. Most people change slightly over time its never a 180 so you have to decide for how long you would be willing to put up with that.


@KBB - I've known Devin for 2 years...nothing there on my end...

@MLM - Sunday running into her was "interesting"

@Chao - Big Girl pill...the white one or the blue

@ Marrell - I'm not telling him because I want a relationship with him and I want to live happily ever after. I'm telling him for clear my mind ...I don't expect/want anything from it. really don't care what he's for me not him

@ Paid - Thanks & welcome... I'll finish my thoughts in the rest of today's post

MK said...

OK, Diva; that's definitely understandable. Good luck if you ever do decide to tell him.