Friday, August 13, 2010

Good Girls Drink Vodka

The opportunity to cheat has been placed on a silver platter with a vodka on the rocks and medium filet mignon tonight...proud to say I'm on a diet and resisted temptation. It was tempting yes, but I'm trying to be a good girl... and just so you know, I do like steak, and it was hard (no puns intended) to resist.

In Other News

I'll be starting school in a few weeks, to obtain an advanced degree in something other than dating. Klein and I are doing pretty ok. We have our moments. Some days it's great and other days I'm like fuck it, I quit. For the most part though, I do care about him and I know he cares about me, so we work on it.

I still have that one little, itty bitty muy tiny problemo. I still haven't told Mr. H about Klein and vise versa and I can't bring myself to do it. Inquiring minds want to know why. Is it because I want to keep my options or am I simply to pansy to woman up and face the wrath from both of them. I kinda prefer not to tell them, but chick friends pose the question, "why not"? And that, I can't truly answer.


Tunde said...

i don't know if i told you or not but i'm no longer on team vodka. i'm on team whiskey. lol it was a sad break up. :-(


What!!! You just broke my I felt it crack

Tunde said...

lol it was a slow transition. i needed something new in my life. crown and jack are my two new lovers. maybe i'll go back when i get bored. lol i do have 1/2 a bottle of berry ciroc in my kitchen too. lol


I am only giving you a pass because I miss you...

Tunde said...


Ms. Minx said...

Yay for school!!
And relationships aren't always easy, so as long as the "I quit" doesn't overshadow the good cuddly fun times, its all good!

Anonymous said...

hey hey
i can see why you wouldn't want to tell them. but really should you still be friends with mr. h? glad to hear you are well.

achoiceofweapons said...

Vodka is cool but I'm a single malt Whiskey type a fella or at least Crown Royal and Pepsi 8-)