Monday, September 6, 2010

Was That Supposed To Be Closure????

That wasn't fair Klein...

Fuck closure. That was the idea, behind the come get your shit movement. Closure. This weekend was crazy. Ok, let me start in order. Friday night vodka got the best of me, and lets just say I ran into some of Klein's co-workers. The next day they told him I was inebriated (well in their words fucked up). He told them I wasn't his gf anymore and that I broke up with him. He calls me to get my side of the story, I blow him off because I was on my way back to Mr. H's.

I spent all day Saturday at Mr. H's place.

No sex with Mr. H. In fact, I couldn't even think about bringing myself to letting him nibble my muffin. I thought about it, but I wasn't turned on by the thought of him. In fact, I was probably dryer than the Sahara desert when thinking about him getting close to my lady mind was somewhere else. I left his place around 3:15am, Klein calls me at 3:45am. I knew he was going to call. I push silent and go to sleep.

Tonight, man.......where do I start. I study, eat, nap, Klein comes over for the "pick your stuff up, I don't want it in my house anymore closure event". We talk. We talk about why it wasn't working, we talk about maybe later in life, He apologizes and says he's sorry he wasn't the man I wanted him to be. We talk about us....He tells me I was the best gf he ever had...he was supposed to meeting his boys in 15 minutes.

We hug for a really long time.

We say stuff that's deep.

I tell him he should go, it's late and he's gotta meet his friends.

He says he has time.

We kiss.

He tugs at my skirt, and I tell him no. "Remember you're practicing Ramadan"

He says he doesn't care and wants to do it.

He tries again. I try to stop him.

He gets on his knees, and kisses me.

I try to stop him again.

He says he wants to.

On the floor in my living room, he gives me the best oral conversation ever, and gets up and leaves.

Damn fucker.

I was supposed to meet my friends out tonight, I was on my way to Mr. H's...gotta get it together...I can't believe he just pulled that....


Anonymous said...

Aww damn...Klein wanted one last swansong, huh? Wow.

Um. Yeah. That's all I got.
Oh, and good luck with grad school, hun!

Tunde said...

that's what it be like sometimes. great closure. lol

Robin said...

but hey, thats just me : )


I'm kinda still mad he pulled really...speechless & mad. I talked to my good guy friend Chuck, and he basically would hi-five Klein if he could....

Thanks Ms. Minx, I'll keep you updated on the g-school bit!

BlkBond said...

Yeah, he got you.

So...What are you going to do? Will you go back for more memorable tongue lashings?


Will you try to move on with the man you can't more forward with?

Very Carrie Bradshaw-esque...

I was in Dupont this past Friday--Latinas on deck. Oy Vey. I'm in trouble...(laughs)

Bond. BlkBond.

PS--You better study...but all work and no play...see you on U street (wink)


@ Bond - I just wanna f*** him, that's all...and am still kinda mad he turned the tables...and pulled a stunt right out of the rule book, chapter 10 to be exact....I seriously didn't see that coming...he def wanted me to think about him and his skills well after the fact...IT WORKED and is STILL WORKING

Hmmmm, I see you've been a bad boy.....not sure U street can ever handle me again after last Friday...maybe I'll take up residence in G-town now

Anonymous said...

lmao wow

Angry Asian said...

i just wanted to say that i am enjoying your blog immensely. it's going to take me awhile to read thru the archives. another good reason to not work. sweet.

P.O.W said...

Its even funnier when you write it out on the blog. I wish I could do a guest spot on this one because I want the people to know your reaction..... I actually thought something was terrribly wrong when she called. She sounded like she was almost in tears....I jumped up like whats wrong. She told me and I couldn't stop laughing. I'm sitting @ my desk right now cracking up at the memory. Funniest ish ever!!! Klein....My man! LOL